Age Friendly Communities
Master Plan on Aging Public Forum
In May 2021, the Central Valley Long Term Supports and Services Coalition and Kern County Long Term Supports and Services Coalition in partnership with the Adult Protective Services Training Academy at Fresno State, the Alzheimer’s Association (Fresno), and Home Instead Fresno organized a public forum to discuss the Master Plan on Aging, and the need for Age Friendly communities. Below are the videos and handouts from the forum.

Amanda Lawrence, Project Director for the Master Plan on Aging, reviews the Master Plan for Aging.
Edie Yau, The Alzheimer’s Association’s Director of Diversity & Inclusion discusses the needs of caregiving families.
Joy Moreno, Deputy Director from the Fresno County Department of Social Services discusses aging issues at the local level.
Assemblymember Rudy Salas discusses mental health needs of older adults.
Assemblymember Devon Mathis discusses aging issues in Inyo, Kern and Tulare counties.
Several community members shared their suggestions on creating more age-friendly communities. Needs identified by community members were affordable housing, affordable care at home, better resource sharing and connection to existing resources, transportation, and the need for emotional connectivity.
Jamie Sharma, from Kings/Tulare Area Agency on Aging discusses food insecurity.
Michael Reiser discusses concerns around elder abuse and safety.
Kathleen Leahy talks about affordable assisted living.
Liz Zemke covers veteran’s needs.
Cherie Arambel shares her caregiving story.
Estrella Amaro discusses isolation.